Începând cu 31 martie 2025, cetățenii români vor putea călători în Statele Unite pentru turism sau afaceri fără a mai avea nevoie de viză. Compania HSky operează singurele zboruri directe din România către SUA, cu tarife începând de la 249,99 euro, relatează televiziunea PRO TV. Pe 10 ianuarie, SUA au anunțat includerea României în Programul […]
The message likely means that the website or server the user is trying to access (potentially for booking flights to the US) is temporarily overloaded due to too many requests. It suggests a possible connection to the impact of Romania joining the Visa Waiver Program, leading to a surge in flight bookings.
The message likely means that the website or server the user is trying to access (potentially for booking flights to the US) is temporarily overloaded due to too many requests. It suggests a possible connection to the impact of Romania joining the Visa Waiver Program, leading to a surge in flight bookings.